Originally from a fine art background, it took me a while to get into the world of digital media, but as soon as I did, Flash became my tool of choice. For the first five years I worked as a freelance Flash developer, and I loved it! - and then, Steve Jobs decided to put the death curse on that tech. I didnt panic and luckily the company I worked for decided to plough ahead with converting their sites to be mobile friendly, which meant they needed to power up with the use of Javascript.
After wrestling with various JS frameworks including jQuery, Backbone / Marionette, Knockout, Ember etc I finally moved on to the modern world of JS dev with Angular and then finally React. I now work developing modern javascript applications using all the cool tools that all the cool kids use :- React, Flux/Redux, ECMAScript 6/7, Yarn, Bable, Lerna, Docker etc etc. As well as all this I have dabbled and experimented with many other programming langauges and feel comfortable doing pretty much anything - from full scale backend java apps, to writing scripts with python and ruby. I would call my self someone who is happy to build anything with the tools that are available.
As a programmer I strive to create clean, re-usable Object Oriented code that is easy to maintain and easily extendable. I use agile methodologies for my large-scale projects, to ensure that project deadlines are met and to ensure a constant flow of workable iterative demos before final release.
I am an inquisitive thinker who has always wanted to find out how things work, and enjoyed building things for myself. This has aided me in my job as a developer, where I have enjoyed the challenge of using maths and technology to achieve results.
As well as all this I am an avid keep fit nut and enjoy working out each day, either at the gym or on the bars I have set up in my garden. I also brew my own beer and sometimes enter in home brew competitions. So I think it is fair to say that I have a pretty busy and full life - I even have to fit my family in around all this some of the time also :)